
Donate Today

Make a donation to the Australian Sports Foundation for the benefit of GPAI’s Pitchin Golf campaign to help purchase land for a Purpose Built Golf Facility, breaking isolation in the disability community.

(Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible)

Don’t need a tax deductible receipt?

Make a Cash Donation Today!

Direct Deposit or Cheques are gratefully accepted

Charity Details:
Account Name:
Golf Programs Australia Incorporated
BSB: 633 000
Account: 183 192 954
Reference: Pitchin Campaign

Cheques may be posted to:
Golf Programs Australia Incorporated
Attention: Accounts Dept
PO Box 209, Nambour  Queensland 4560


A Bequest is a simple yet powerful way to leave a gift in your Will that will provide ongoing support to a cause that matters to you.
Leaving a Bequest to Golf Programs Australia Incorporated is not complicated, simply talk to your Solicitor when updating your Will.